We started with an “all on all”; we started the game as a 4 player, but then Lee turned up and we let him take his first 3 goes all at once to catch up. In hindsight this might not have been the best thing to do as he became the dominating force very quickly.
I had chosen one of my favourite decks to play, but I was mana screwed and wouldn’t do anything till near the end of the match; where I would take up one of the big players on Lee’s side then power up me “Chameleon Colossus” with “Garruk Wildspeaker” using his main ability. This made my Chameleon an impressive 14/14 with trample.
What bugged me in this game though was that I had 2 “Skarrgan Skybreaker” and “Borboygmos’” in my hand for the whole game.
We then moved onto an Archenemy game, but instead of using a pre-made Archenemy themed deck, I used one of my own; “Gods Galore”, with a quickly thrown together scheme deck. We played twice, and I was defeated both times (deck list to come soon as I am considering making it a permanent Archenemy deck).
Soon after, Lee and Kev called it a night; Mark, Bernard and I went on to play a Planechase game. This proved a bit of a challenge as Bernard hadn’t played this format before, and would forget to pay attention to the Plane card.
Overall it was a very fun night in which I forgot to take my usual notes to aid writing a properly laid out blog; so next time normality will return with photos as well.