Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Gathering: 25/1/2012

Another week where I didn’t really document the game; I know this is getting rather lazy of me but with working through a promotion at work, things do have to take a side step unfortunately.

This week I got stuck in with a Planechase game, using the planner deck from Elemental Thunder, which proves popular if you’re playing with green and red. I was not, nor was Lee or Carey for that matter. SO we were quite played down on that game.

The next game we played was with the planner deck, Zombie Empire. This didn’t work in anyone’s favour and was quite hated. “Pools of Becoming” was the first Planner card to be set, which stopped any early strategy plans, and it was set to stay for so many turns.

Nobody could plan their next move - which when you’re playing a five player game you would like to really. The next card to be set into play was “The Fourth Sphere”,

which just stunted game play altogether as nobody was playing a black deck; this game was destined to be a long and dragging process. Also, this was only the second time Bernard was introduced to Planechase. With his inexperience, he was more set on rolling the die to change the planner card, then playing the cards in his deck. As the first two cards had been against the wishes of all the players he had the mindset that all the cards would do the same; this led him to try and get rid of the plane without working out that all of this was actually in his favour.

It wasn’t his fault, maybe we as a group forced it upon him too soon, but it did bring the whole game down and this made him lose interest in playing that night. The next game was a normal “all against all” format because Bernard had dropped out for the rest of the night.

Mark played his Sliver deck in the hope I was going to play mine; we could have then fed off of one and others powers. This would have been bad news for Lee and Carey. However, I did not do this which meant the three of us would make quick work to rid the game of Slivers. Carey was the next to go, but only just. Lee was the one to finish him off by taking advantage of my “Wound Reflection”. I had already taken much damage that game so it didn’t take long for my demise to come round to me.

1 comment:

  1. When it comes to the planes, we always roll two and take whichever result we want (except on Otaria). It can be abused, but it makes the planes something you can work with instead of merely suffer through.
