Saturday, 7 July 2012

Weekly Gathering 2.0 - 04/7/2012

You may ask what ‘Gathering 2.0’ is. ‘Gathering 2.0” is what I shall now call my second group I play MTG with.

To make it easy and to avoid any of my groups getting offended, here is a breakdown of my Magic: The Gathering groups.

·         Gathering 1.0 originally consisted of just my Uncle Mark and I, but as of late, my cousin Bernard has since joined. He is thirteen. On a rare occasion my friend Kev joins us too.

·         Gathering 1.5 is the same as 1.0 with the addition of Lee, Carey, Carey’s son Chris and on the rear occasion Carey’s wife Sadie will join us.

·         Gathering 2.0 is James, Pete and I.

·         Gathering 2.5 is the same group as 2.0 with the addition of Chris, Rob and Rachel.

So there it is, all of my groups and its variations... Confused?!

Let’s set the scene, it is a Wednesday night and time for Magic: The Gathering and everyone had new decks to bring to the battlefield! I had 3 decks; “Make Way for the Big Boys”, “Greeny Meanies” and “Call for Reinforcements”. I played “Call for Reinforcements” three times as it is my new favourite deck, even considering the fact I had settled for what is the deck to start with, fortunately for me it worked more than beautifully.

During the first game I used “Make Way for the Big Boys”. In this deck the main theme is the use of “Deathtouch” and “Arues”; with these you can tap the creature it’s attached to and deal 1 damage to the target creature. It doesn’t sound like much but “Deathtouch” is convenient for use in a deck as when every creature deals damage, it destroys the creature. Thus instead of having to deal combat damage, I can deal direct damage and consequently killing my opponents creatures.

Unfortunately, I only drew one “Deathtouch” creature which was “Defang’ed”.

As a result, this stopped my deck in its tracks which then meant I could not deal with Pete’s new dragon deck and he made quick work of getting rid of me. Though I did go all out before dying and left him on a life-count of 2. This left James with the means to finish off Pete with his new Knight deck, but he wasn’t paying close enough attention and missed the chance. Twice!

For the second game I used my “Call for Reinforcements” deck, which is a token building deck. This was working well as I had built an army of tokens with over 20 creatures in play; with this in mind I was going to start my attack, that was until Pete played “Engulfing Slagwurm”.

This was an inconvenience, as if it gets blocked it destroys the blocking creature and gains life for the creatures defence; this wasn’t necessarily going to be a problem for me, that was until he enchanted it with “Lure”.

All creatures able to block, do so...

He attacked with it.

All my creatures were untapped and able to block... I lost everything but the most unfortunate thing was that I had nothing to take the enchantment away with and my next card was aptly named, “Epic Struggle”.

Being that Pete went for me first, James had the chance to save his Wolves by ensuring he kept attacking, therefore keeping his creatures tapped and unable to block.

I then used the same deck again which is very unlike me as I usually like to keep the game fresh by changing my deck every game. But I really can’t remember the outcome.

In the next game I used my “Greeny Meany” deck. It didn’t look like a good start for this deck as I had to ‘mulligan’ down to four cards in my starting hand. This ended up being a very good hand as it would seem I had the means to knock Pete out with small creatures that had “Trample” and power-up spells. James would not cast any creatures this game which meant I took him out in one hit but a deal of 22 points of damage.

For the last game of the night I went back to “Call for Reinforcements” and it worked amazingly. Now apologies for how big-headed this may sounds but I did not expect it to work so well and I don’t even remember what the other guys played with. But anyway, my winning army consisted of “Rhys the Redeemed”, “Souls Attendant”, “Wellwisher”, “Wolf Skull Shaman”, “Parallel Lives”, sixty four 2/2 Wolf tokens and ninety six Green/White Elf tokens, which totalled a life count of 365. All in all I think that deck works well.

There are some additional things to consider, Pete has only been playing for 3 months at most and is formulating amazing combinations; so well done to him.

Also if my tutor from school reads this, yes I stole your deck name “Greeny Meanies” but it fits my deck really well; possibly because it is roughly based on yours.

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